Post #36 Interview Answers
1. Who are you?
Mikaili Taylor
2. What is your greatest achievement?
Being able to balance work inside school and fun outside of school
3. What motives you?
Music, Sleep, Relaxing
4. Where are you going?
I'm going to college to further my basketball career
5. How will you get there?
With so many opportunities to succeed basketball is first and education is backup
6. What are your plans once you get there?
Play as hard as possible for scouts to realize my talent
7. Where are you from?
Born in Fl
8. Who is involved in your dream?
Everyone that help me throughout the way especially my mom
9. What is your dream?
Playing professional ball in the NBA while getting rich to support my family
10.What is your interest?
Hanging out with friends and playing video games on my off time
11. What are the things you do to distract yourself?
I would listen to music, sleep or workout to distract myself
12. When do you think you'll reach your dream?
When I turn 19 which scouts should be able to give me a contract which at least 30 when I should at least have 6 rings
13. What are the mental/physical blockers from your dreams?
My location which greatly reduced my chance of potential scouters and going to school late which makes reaching my dreams take longer
14. Who is in your life?
Mom, Friends, and coach
15. What do you consider that you are successful?
When I'm at the highest point in my NBA career and providing for people who always supported me
16. Why do you consider that to be successful?
A sustainable life is where most people try to reach and when I'm at a state where I don't have to worry about money that's where I know I made it
17. What challenges did you face during your life?
The amount of work given in school which sometimes set me back as I can't workout as long as I wanted
18. How far away are you from your dreams?
I say about 3-4 years away from being close and 7-10 to fully reach it as it will take some time
19. What part of the dream is your favorite?
Beginning to receive support and having fans and being able to walk into a stadium and everyone shouting my name
20. What is your most prize possession?
I really don't have a prize possession as I like things that has a function
21. What do you try to help alleviate any problems in your life?
Music and rest helps me through a hard time
22. What's basketball was your dream?
Yes, It always been my dream once I picked up that basketball for that first time it was hard to put down
23. Do you want to go pro in basketball?
Yes, This is mainly my dream as I always say Ball is Life"
24. What position do you play?
Shooting Guard and Small Forward
25. What's your height and weight?
142.5 lbs
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