Post #16 History of Magazines

 Today I will be going over the history of the magazines

The printing press which was invented in 1440 created by Johannes Gutenberg caused a massive widespread of information. In 1663 Johann Rist created the Erbauliche Monaths-Unterredungen which was considered a magazine back in the old days. This lasted about five years which sprawled new ideas. In 1672 Jean Donneau de Vizé published the first periodical of amusement and Le Mercure Galant. It contained news, short verses, and gossip entertaining the audience. in 1700s people became more curious and wanted to expend on their intellectual knowledge. Magazines helped with this hunger for knowledge and enabled them to expend making magazines become a more popular stable. The actual magazine term was originally created in 1731 by Edward Cave publishing a periodical called The Gentleman's Magazine. Finally in 1842 Herbert Ingram was the first to created a magazine that incorporated photos in them. It had many designs that many modern magazines currently have that makes the magazines more desirable to get in the store. Now in the 21th century most magazines are online for sale expending their market place to websites.


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