Post #34 Interview Practice Answers

 Hello guys today I will be going over the answers for the interview questions


1. Jenna
2. The greatest achievement is being able to finish a 20 x 30 painting
3. What pushes her on is electro swing music
4. Her plans is to go to New York
5. Getting to New York by Plane
6. Once she gets there she will try to get a master's degree in animation
7. Born in Florida
8. Famous authors are her motivator
9. Her dream is making professional animations  
10/11. Silence, reading, and music is her interest which also distracts her
12. She believes that she will reach her dreams in 6 years
13. Not having enough confidence is one of the major blockers from her dreams
14. Her mom an aunt is in her life to help her
15. Having a manageable lifestyle and enjoying life is the highest point which she believes being successful is
16. Choice that lead there was impossible which is good things as those choices lead to a comfortable life
17. Stress is the main challenge she faces in life
18. Math teachers are one of the causes of stress
19. Being able to inspire others is the best part of her dream
20. iPad is her most prize possession since contains YouTube which entertains her
21. SVA is the college she going to which she going to try and major in computers arts
22. Going in her room and take her anger out in there is her way to alleviate personal problems


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